Provincial Visit: Spreading Love and Warmth at Auxilium Lonavla

Love was in the air at Auxilium Lonavla as the school welcomed our esteemed Provincial, Sr. Meenakshi D’Silva, on February 14th, 2024, for a memorable visit filled with warmth, joy, and heartfelt moments. With the theme “Your presence fills our hearts with love,” the occasion was a celebration of the bonds of love and unity that bind our school community together.

As Sr. Meenakshi entered the school premises, she was greeted with a heartwarming sight – the entire basement adorned with hearts, and the children themselves carrying hearts to welcome and appreciate her presence among us. It was a beautiful testament to the love and affection shared by all.

The program began with a short yet soulful prayer moment, as students and teachers invoked God’s blessings on our beloved Mother Provincial. This was followed by a heartwarming welcome song performed by the students of STD IX, setting the tone for the rest of the day’s festivities.

What followed was a delightful series of dances, songs, and speeches that left Sr. Meenakshi mesmerized. In her message to the gathering, she emphasized the importance of sharing love, stating that the more we share love, the bigger our hearts will become. Her words resonated deeply with everyone present, reminding us of the power of love to unite and uplift.

Sr. Meenakshi congratulated all the students who graced the stage with their performances, praising them for giving their best and spreading joy through their talents. She expressed her gratitude for the warm welcome she received and acknowledged that she felt at home as soon as she entered the basement.

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, Sr. Meenakshi extended her wishes for a joyful and love-filled day to everyone present. She encouraged the students to go home and express their love and gratitude to their parents, who are the ones who truly love them unconditionally.

The teachers and students took the opportunity to felicitate Mother Provincial, expressing their appreciation for her guidance and support. The program concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks, bringing a fitting end to a day that began with the heart, was celebrated in the heart, and ended with love overflowing from the heart.

The Provincial Visit at Auxilium Lonavla was not just an event; it was a celebration of the values of love, compassion, and unity that define our school community. It was a reminder of the importance of spreading love and kindness wherever we go, and of cherishing the bonds of friendship and family that make life truly meaningful.


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