Honoring the Backbone of Auxilium Lonavla: Workers’ Day Celebration

On March 19th, 2024, Auxilium Lonavla came alive with vibrant colors, infectious laughter, and heartfelt gratitude as we celebrated Workers’ Day. This special occasion was dedicated to the unsung heroes of our school—the dedicated support staff who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the smooth functioning of our institution.

The festivities commenced with a grand welcome for our esteemed support staff, who were greeted with applause and admiration as they made their way into the basement, the heart of our celebration. To mark the beginning of the program, they were invited, alongside other dignitaries, to light the lamp—a symbolic gesture of illuminating our path with positivity and gratitude.

As the soft glow of the lamp filled the room, a solemn prayer service followed, invoking blessings upon each member of the support staff and their families. It was a moment of quiet reflection, recognizing the invaluable contributions and sacrifices made by these individuals in their dedication to their work and our school community.

The atmosphere then burst into life with a series of lively dances performed by our talented students, showcasing their appreciation and admiration for the support staff. Teachers took to the stage to deliver heartfelt speeches, expressing gratitude for the tireless efforts and unwavering commitment of the support staff.

Adding to the cultural extravaganza, soulful songs of blessings filled the air, celebrating the spirit of camaraderie and unity that binds us together as a school family. However, the highlight of the event was undoubtedly the captivating play staged by the students of STD IX, focusing on the theme of Dignity of Labor—a powerful reminder of the importance and respect that every form of work deserves.

Sr. Caroline Menezes, the Manager of our institution, graced the occasion with her inspiring words, drawing parallels between the dedication of our support staff and the exemplary work ethic of St. Joseph, whose feast coincided with the day of our celebration. She echoed Mahatma Gandhi’s belief that “Work is Worship,” emphasizing the significance of every task performed with sincerity and dedication.

Sr. Caroline extended her heartfelt gratitude to the support staff, acknowledging their indispensable role in the smooth functioning of the school. She encouraged them to continue creating a nurturing environment for our students, characterized by a sense of belonging, cleanliness, and warm smiles that greet the children each day.

In a touching gesture, Sr. Caroline urged the students to offer special prayers for the workers and their families, recognizing the sacrifices they make for the betterment of our school community.

The program concluded with a warm vote of thanks, followed by a lively session of games and activities for the workers, further reinforcing the spirit of appreciation and camaraderie that permeated throughout the day.

As the echoes of laughter and applause faded into the evening, the Workers’ Day celebration at Auxilium Lonavla left an indelible mark—a testament to the power of gratitude, unity, and the unwavering dedication of our support staff.


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